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Bridge traffic numbers crossing over into positive territory

While numbers rise, total crossings are still down 35% for year-to-date when compared to pre-pandemic traffic volumes of 2019, the International Bridge Administration says
2021-07-16 International Bridge FIle BC (2)
International Bridge file photo.

Another possible sign that we are driving our way out of the pandemic travel doldrums – the number of vehicles crossing at the International Bridge keeps climbing.

In fact, traffic on the span linking the two Saults year to date is up 110% over last year, according to the International Bridge Administration's latest update, which includes its May numbers.

One-way crossings totaled 78,357 this past May, an increase of 23,576 over the same month in 2022 (an increase of 43%).

Traffic for the calendar year-to-date as of May 31 sits at 319,026, according to a news release.

The bridge administration's breakdown of May numbers shows there were a total of:

  • 36,502 one-way crossings by full-fare passenger cars
  • 32,656 one-way crossings by commuter fare vehicles
  • 3,106 one-way crossings by cars pulling trailers
  • 6,093 one-way crossings by commercial trucks

While numbers are on the rise, total crossings are still down 35% year-to-date when compared to pre-pandemic traffic volumes of 2019, the bridge administration said.

The bridge has recorded 104.8 million crossings since opening in 1962.