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International bridge traffic in June up 40% over last year

One-way crossings of the bridge totalled more than 92,000, over 27,000 more than in the same month in 2022, bridge authority says
2021-07-16 International Bridge FIle BC (2)
International Bridge file photo.

Trips between Michigan and Ontario over the St. Marys River continue on an upward trajectory as travellers appear to be leaving the COVID-19 pandemic in the rear-view mirror.

The number of vehicles crossing the bridge between the two Saults was up more than 40% in June compared to the same month in 2022, the bridge's operators say.

One-way crossings for the month totalled more than 92,000, the International Bridge Administration said today. That's over 27,000 more crossings than in June of last year.

Meanwhile, traffic for the calendar year-to-date is up nearly 90%, the bridge authorities said in their monthly update. 

As of June 30, there had been 411,200 crossings, the Sault Ste. Marie Bridge Authority said in a news release.

Here are June 2023's stats at a glance:

  • Full-Fare Passenger Cars: 46,855 one-way crossings, an increase of 56.2% 
  • Commuter Fare: 33,618 one-way crossings, an increase of 32.9% 
  • Car Pulling Trailers: 5,326 one-way crossings, an increase of 45.3% 
  • Commercial Trucks: 6,406 one-way crossings, an increase of 6.1% 
  • Totals: 92,205 one-way crossings, an increase of 41.9%  

While numbers are up, total crossings were still down more than 33% for the first six months of the year compared to pre-pandemic traffic volumes of 2019.

The International Bridge funds operational costs with toll revenue, including the bridge structure, maintenance facilities, the Bridge Authority toll plaza, and building maintenance.