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Meet teachers, families at local Catholic school's open house

St. Mary's event offers chance to meet teachers, staff and current families, tour school and learn about academics, events and registration
St. Mary's Catholic School holding open house April 13.

Exploring options for your child’s education next school year?

St. Mary’s Catholic School is holding an open house on April 13 where kids and parents can see the school and meet families who already have children attending there.

Visitors will get the opportunity to meet teachers, staff and current families, tour the school and see classrooms, and learn about the school’s academics, events and registration process. 

Light refreshments will be available.

The benefits of St. Mary’s include proven academic success, small class sizes, and developing a solid moral foundation in your child, the school said in a news release.

Grades go from pre-kindergarten through to 8th Grade.

There is an after-school program available from 3 to 5 p.m.

Tuition assistance is available if needed.

St. Mary’s welcomes non-Catholics, the school noted.

New families attending the open house have a chance at two $50 and one $100 cash door prize draws.

The April 13 open house runs from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at 360 Maple St.

Learn more about St. Mary’s at